Standardmäßig generiert Swashbuckle Swagger-JSON-Code in Version 3.0 der Spezifikation — offiziell als OpenAPI-Spezifikation bezeichnet. They show information about API endpoints, response object schemas, and so on. You can change the serializer behavior by configuring the StringEnumConverter globally or for a given enum type. Um Warnungen nur für bestimmte Member zu unterdrücken, schließen Sie den Code in #pragma warning-Präprozessordirektiven ein.To suppress warnings only for specific members, enclose the code in #pragma warning preprocessor directives. Starten Sie die App, und navigieren Sie zu http://localhost:/swagger/v1/swagger.json.Launch the app, and navigate to http://localhost:/swagger/v1/swagger.json. You're free to change these so long as the provided templates include the relevant route parameters - {apiVersion} and {*assetPath}. Es enthält integrierte Testumgebungen für die öffentlichen Methoden.It includes built-in test harnesses for the public methods. Von Shayne Boyer und Scott AddieBy Shayne Boyer and Scott Addie, Anzeigen oder Herunterladen von Beispielcode (Vorgehensweise zum Herunterladen)View or download sample code (how to download). Das generierte Dokument mit der Beschreibung der Endpunkte wird entsprechend der OpenAPI-Spezifikation (openapi.json) angezeigt.The generated document describing the endpoints appears as shown in OpenAPI specification (openapi.json). Ensure the "Include prerelease" option is enabled. NOTE: These only define the schemes and need to be coupled with a corresponding "security" property at the document or operation level to indicate which schemes are required for each operation. If nothing happens, download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio and try again. Beispielsweise ./swagger/v1/swagger.json.For example, ./swagger/v1/swagger.json. Das Erzwingen des Warnungscodes wird am Ende der Klassendefinition wiederhergestellt.Enforcement of the warning code is restored at the close of the class definition. schemas (data models), individual properties in schemas. Für das Branding von Swashbuckle-Komponenten sind zusätzliche Ressourcen erforderlich, damit statische Dateien bereitgestellt werden können und sich die Ordnerstruktur zum Hosten dieser Dateien erstellt lässt. See Injecting Custom Content for step by step instructions. If it has, we simply add its own properties there, too. The example below adds an AutoRest vendor extension (see https://github. If neccessary, you can inject your own implementation or wrap the existing one with additional behavior. Das Hinzufügen von Kommentaren mit drei Schrägstrichen zu einer Aktion erweitert die Swagger-Benutzeroberfläche, indem die Beschreibung zum Header des Abschnitts hinzugefügt wird. They can appear in the definitions section and included by reference. Die Antworttypen und Fehlercodes sind in den XML-Kommentaren und Datenanmerkungen gekennzeichnet. System.Text.Json (STJ) vs Newtonsoft. Meta-data can be added to these dictionaries from custom Schema, Operation or Document filters. Here's an example of reading the file, but it may need to be modified according to your specific project settings: Swashbuckle will automatically create a "success" response for each operation based on the action's return type. Other than the JSON Schema subset fields, the following fields may be used for further schema documentation. Check to ensure you're not specifying a value that causes a URL with an extension to be referenced in the UI. It's based on the Project's default namespace, file location and file extension. See my blog post. You can use these keywords to create a complex schema, or validate a value against multiple criteria. The Swagger–OpenAPI 2.0 specification allows you to specify data types and structures for your API contract, using Schema Objects, and similar constructs that appear in Parameters and Headers.Schema Objects in particular provide the models for request and response message payloads: 1. For example, the swagger-ui groups operations according to the first tag of each operation. Some developers use swagger.json documents to generate front-end and back-end code. Dieser Ansatz eignet sich für Code, der nicht über die API-Dokumentation verfügbar gemacht werden soll. You should have a good understanding of the Swagger 2.0 spec. If you want the output Swagger docs to be indented properly, enable the PrettyPrint option as following: In addition to operation descriptions, Swagger 2.0 includes several properties to describe the service itself. OAS 3 This page applies to OpenAPI 3 – the latest version of the OpenAPI Specification.. Mit der Swagger-Benutzeroberfläche können Sie die API kennenlernen und sie in andere Programme integrieren. I got this working locally by changing the Swashbuckle source. You can supply your own ISchemaProcessor on the server side when generating swagger.json documents, so that's what we do: The InheritanceSchemaProcessor just checks if the current schema has entries in its allOf property. in C# and java.lang.Integer in Java. Although this JavaScript SHOULD have no affect on your production code, it appears to be breaking the swagger-ui. Fix Common Problems with Swashbuckle swagger.json for Autorest Client Generation. Zur Unterstützung der [ProducesResponseType]-Ergänzung bietet das Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Annotations-Paket Erweiterungen zum Aktivieren und Erweitern der Antwort-, Schema- und Parametermetadaten.To support the [ProducesResponseType] decoration, the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Annotations package offers extensions to enable and enrich the response, schema, and parameter metadata. Defining xml in Schema Object. If you require further customization, you can also inject your own version of "index.html". Swashbuckle includes Swagger UI and provides methods to configure and customize the web … You will also want to verify this across each build configuration. in Program.cs). We use some value types (think strings) that have stringent formatting requirements. // This is supported through the "MapType" and "SchemaFilter" options: // // Use the "MapType" option to override the Schema … Active 7 months ago. Swashbuckle consists of multiple components that can be used together or individually dependening on your needs. Request examples - POST Results in: Request examples - GET … See Injecting Custom Content for step by step instructions. Adding triple-slash comments to an action enhances the Swagger UI by adding the description to the section header. Dieses 2.0-Format ist wichtig für Integrationen wie Microsoft Power Apps und Microsoft Flow, die derzeit OpenAPI-Version 2.0 unterstützen.This 2.0 format is important for integrations such as Microsoft Power Apps and Microsoft Flow that currently support OpenAPI version 2.0. In this case you can add a custom operation filter to remove the duplicates. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Option „Vorabversionen von Paketen“ aktiviert ist. The file(s) must be included in your project as an "Embedded Resource", and then the resource's "Logical Name" is passed to the method as shown above. "}, version is now implicit in the docs URL e.g. However, if you're customizing serialization behavior for certain types in your API, you may need to help it out. For example: When using FromUri Model Binding, duplicate items can appear as items can be passed as URI parameters, or querystrings. Ihr erwartetes Verhalten ist unklar. OpenAPI spec allows complex objects as query params. To support backwards compatibility, you can opt into exposing JSON in the 2.0 format instead. If you want to post-modify "complex" Schemas once they've been generated, across the board or for a specific type, you can wire up one or more Schema filters. Swashbuckle には 3 つの主要なコンポーネントがあります。 There are three main components to Swashbuckle: Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger: SwaggerDocument オブジェクトを JSON エンドポイントとして公開するための Swagger オブジェクト モデルとミドルウェア。 Swashbuckle generates a Swagger-flavored JSONSchema for every parameter, response and property type that's exposed by your controller actions. These endpoints are reading/writing from a JSON text file (in a way that is probably not thread-safe and definitely not efficient, but it’s fine for this example). Use this option to control how the Operation listing is displayed. NOTE: If your Web API is hosted in IIS, you should avoid using full-stops in the version name (e.g. The is an XMLDoc element which Swashbuckle already supports, I suggested adding an examples attribute to it. It includes built-in test harnesses for the public methods. By default, swagger-ui will validate specs against's online validator and display the result in a badge at the bottom of the page. There are currently two Nuget packages - the Core library (Swashbuckle.Core) and a convenience package (Swashbuckle) - that provides automatic bootstrapping. — Hux . You can see in the list, given below-Works with RESTfull webapi and explanation. Bei Linux oder anderen Betriebssystemen als Windows können bei Dateinamen und -pfaden Groß-/Kleinbuchstaben berücksichtigt werden.For Linux or non-Windows operating systems, file names and paths can be case-sensitive. Von Christoph Nienaber und Rico Suter By Christoph Nienaber and Rico Suter. This 2.0 format is important for integrations such as Microsoft Power Apps and Microsoft Flow that currently support OpenAPI version 2.0. Auf der Swagger-Benutzeroberfläche wird der innere Text des, The Swagger UI displays the inner text of the preceding code's. Troubleshooting??? In a Swagger 2.0 document, complex types are typically declared globally and referenced by unique Schema Id. The code lives on GitHub. Change the "Build Action" to "Embedded Resource". If you're using the existing configuration API to customize the final Swagger document and/or swagger-ui, you will need to port the code manually. App_Start/SwaggerConfig.cs has never been modified, then you can overwrite it with the new version. Like SingleApiVersion, Version also returns an "Info" builder so you can provide additional metadata per API version. VS 2013 ships with a new feature - Browser Link - that improves the web development workflow by setting up a channel between the IDE and pages being previewed in a local browser. Complex GET query param objects in Swashbuckle. Here’s the sample code defining the request root node by implementing the ISchemaFilter interface. However, I couldn't get other types set in schema.example to show up no matter what I did. To support backwards compatibility, you can opt into exposing JSON in the 2.0 format instead. ASP.NET Core-Web-API-Dokumentation mit Swagger/OpenAPI ASP.NET Core web API documentation with Swagger / OpenAPI. However, if you have multiple types in your API with the same class name, you'll need to opt out of this behavior to avoid Schema Id conflicts. For most features, namely method summaries and the descriptions of parameters and response codes, the use of an XML file is mandatory. Geben Sie mehrere Warnungscodes in einer kommagetrennten Liste an.Specify multiple warning codes with a comma-delimited list. Examples can be used by tools and libraries, for instance, Swagger UI auto-populates request bodies based on input schema examples, and some API mocking tools use examples to generate mock responses. Aktivieren von Middleware für statische Dateien:Enable Static File Middleware: Um zusätzliche CSS-Stylesheets hinzuzufügen, fügen Sie sie dem Ordner wwwroot des Projekts hinzu, und geben Sie den relativen Pfad in den Middlewareoptionen an:To inject additional CSS stylesheets, add them to the project's wwwroot folder and specify the relative path in the middleware options: Erste Schritte mit Swashbuckle und ASP.NET Core, Get started with Swashbuckle and ASP.NET Core. Swashbuckle makes a best attempt at generating Swagger compliant JSON schemas for the various types exposed in your API. Um die Abwärtskompatibilität zu unterstützen, können Sie stattdessen JSON im 2.0-Format verfügbar machen. If the discovery URL returns a 404 Not Found response, it may be due to a full-stop in the version name (e.g. See the following discussion for more details: By default, Swashbuckle does NOT use the full type name in Schema Ids. Swashbuckle.AspNetCore supports request examples via XML comments. While Swagger 2.0 supports inline definitions for "all" Schema types, the swagger-ui tool does not. durch den Warnungscode 1591 auf einen Verstoß aufmerksam:For example, the following message indicates a violation of warning code 1591: Um Warnungen projektübergreifend zu unterdrücken, definieren Sie eine Liste der zu ignorierenden Warnungscodes (mit Semikolon als Trennzeichen).To suppress warnings project-wide, define a semicolon-delimited list of warning codes to ignore in the project file. As a result, Swashbuckle will raise an exception if it encounters multiple actions with the same path (sans query string) and HTTP method. In previous versions of ASP.NET Core, you had to manually download the Swashbuckle package, configure the middleware, and optionally change your launchSettings.json file. .Net Core also allows them. Update April 2020: You probably don't need to do it this way any more. It interprets Swagger JSON to build a rich, customizable experience for describing the web API functionality. This can be easily done by implementing the ISchemaFilter interface of Swashbuckle. Führen Sie den folgenden Befehl aus:Execute the following command: Aus dem Dialogfeld NuGet-Pakete verwalten:From the Manage NuGet Packages dialog: Führen Sie folgenden Befehl aus dem integrierten Terminal aus:Run the following command from the Integrated Terminal: Führen Sie den folgenden Befehl aus:Run the following command: Fügen Sie den Swagger-Generator zu der services-Sammlung in der Startup.ConfigureServices-Methode hinzu:Add the Swagger generator to the services collection in the Startup.ConfigureServices method: Aktivieren Sie die Middleware in der Startup.Configure-Methode, um das generierte JSON-Dokument und die Swagger-Benutzeroberfläche bereitzustellen:In the Startup.Configure method, enable the middleware for serving the generated JSON document and the Swagger UI: Swashbuckle basiert beim Ermitteln der Routen und Endpunkte auf dem Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApiExplorer von MVC.Swashbuckle relies on MVC's Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApiExplorer to discover the routes and endpoints. The discriminator is the schema property name that is used to differentiate between other schema that inherit this schema. These can all be provided through the configuration API: By default, the service root url is inferred from the request used to access the docs. Im folgenden Beispiel wird der Warnungscode CS1591 für die gesamte Klasse Program ignoriert.This approach is useful for code that shouldn't be exposed via the API docs. The example value is a bit random and not at all helpful - something about a contractResolver? As Swashbuckle is a JSON-biased library, camelCasing in JSON payloads is well supported, while XML payloads is not. The full-stop at the tail of the URL will cause IIS to treat it as a static file (i.e. If necessary, the schemaRegistry can be used to obtain or register Schemas for Types that are used in the Operation. Dadurch kann deklariert werden, dass die Aktionen des Controllers den Inhaltstyp application/json für Antworten unterstützen:Its purpose is to declare that the controller's actions support a response content type of application/json: Im Dropdownmenü des Anforderungsinhaltstyps ist dieser Inhaltstyp als Standard für die GET-Aktionen des Controllers ausgewählt:The Response Content Type drop-down selects this content type as the default for the controller's GET actions: Mit zunehmender Verwendung von Datenanmerkungen in der Web-API werden die UI- und API-Hilfeseiten beschreibender und nützlicher.As the usage of data annotations in the web API increases, the UI and API help pages become more descriptive and useful. Die Swagger-Benutzeroberfläche ist unter http://localhost:/swagger verfügbar.The Swagger UI can be found at http://localhost:/swagger. In the following example, warning code CS1591 is ignored for the entire Program class. Auf der Swagger-Benutzeroberfläche werden die Versionsinformationen angezeigt: The Swagger UI displays the version's information: XML-Kommentare können mithilfe der folgenden Ansätze aktiviert werden: XML comments can be enabled with the following approaches: Fügen Sie die hervorgehobenen Zeilen manuell der, Manually add the highlighted lines to the. in Startup.cs). Read on to learn more. By default, Swashbuckle does NOT use the full type name in Schema Ids. "1.0"). Actually, even setting schema.example worked for SOME of the types but not for the others. This can then be passed to the relevant configuration method. Update May 4th 2017: I have created a new NuGet package called Swashbuckle.Examples which contains the functionality I previously described in this blog post. Standardmäßig generiert Swashbuckle Swagger-JSON-Code in Version 3.0 der Spezifikation — offiziell als OpenAPI-Spezifikation bezeichnet. If necessary, you can ignore obsolete actions and provide custom grouping/sorting strategies for the list of Operations in a Swagger document: Set this flag to omit operation descriptions for any actions decorated with the Obsolete attribute, NOTE: If you want to omit specific operations but without using the Obsolete attribute, you can create an IDocumentFilter or make use of the built in ApiExplorerSettingsAttribute. Der obige UseSwaggerUI-Methodenaufruf aktiviert die Middleware für statische Dateien.The preceding UseSwaggerUI method call enables the Static File Middleware. If your API has multiple versions, use MultipleApiVersions instead of SingleApiVersion. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Verwenden von Web-API-Konventionen.For more information, see Verwenden von Web-API-Konventionen. This means you can complement your API with a slick discovery UI to assist consumers with their integration efforts. You can gain additional context from the provided SwaggerDocument (e.g. If you use "Swagger" as the root folder name for your custom assets, this will collide with the default route templates and the page will not be loaded correctly. All options from version 4.0 are made available through these methods, albeit with slightly different naming and syntax. IOperationFilter has the following interface: A typical implementation will inspect the ApiDescription and modify the Operation accordingly. An HTTP 400 status code is returned when the posted request body is null. If you're using Swashbuckle without any customizations, i.e. Die Standardbenutzeroberfläche ist zwar funktionsfähig und visuell ansprechend,The default UI is both functional and presentable. Sie können dieses Problem beheben, indem Sie die hervorgehobenen Zeilen im folgenden Beispiel hinzufügen:Fix that problem by adding the highlighted lines in the following example: Die Swagger-Benutzeroberfläche dokumentiert nun deutlich die erwarteten HTTP-Antwortcodes:The Swagger UI now clearly documents the expected HTTP response codes: In ASP.NET Core 2.2 oder höher können Konventionen als Alternative verwendet werden, um einzelne Aktionen explizit mit [ProducesResponseType] zu ergänzen.In ASP.NET Core 2.2 or later, conventions can be used as an alternative to explicitly decorating individual actions with [ProducesResponseType]. Einige Swagger-Features (z.B. Swashbuckle cannot do anything with these so creating a schema extension is the only solution. Durch die zusätzlichen Kommentare wird die Benutzeroberfläche wie unten gezeigt erweitert:Notice the UI enhancements with these additional comments: Markieren Sie das Modell mit Attributen aus dem Namespace System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations, um die Komponenten der Swagger-Benutzeroberfläche zu unterstützen.Mark the model with attributes, found in the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace, to help drive the Swagger UI components. If schemes are not explicitly provided in a Swagger 2.0 document, then the scheme used to access the docs is taken as the default. Each operation can be assigned one or more tags which are then used by consumers for various reasons. Um das 2.0-Format zu verwenden, legen Sie die SerializeAsV2-Eigenschaft in Startup.Configure fest:To opt into the 2.0 format, set the SerializeAsV2 property in Startup.Configure: Swagger stellt Optionen für das Dokumentieren des Objektmodells und das Anpassen der Benutzeroberfläche bereit, damit diese mit Ihrem Design übereinstimmt.Swagger provides options for documenting the object model and customizing the UI to match your theme. Specify which HTTP operations will have the 'Try it out!' Die Antworttypen und Fehlercodes sind in den XML-Kommentaren und Datenanmerkungen gekennzeichnet.The response types and error codes are denoted in the XML comments and data annotations. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. CustomSchemaIds方法用于自定义SchemaId,Swashbuckle中的每个Schema都有唯一的Id,框架会使用这个Id匹配引用类型,因此这个Id不能重复。 默认情况下,这个Id是根据类名得到的(不包含命名空间),因此,当我们有两个相同名称的类时,Swashbuckle就会报错: You signed in with another tab or window. The Xml tags are mapped to Swagger properties as follows: You can enable this by providing the path to one or more XML comments files: NOTE: You will need to enable output of the XML documentation file. Work fast with our official CLI. The fix is actually quite easy, but took me some time to figure out. However, API documentation pages should represent your brand or theme. Der Statuscode „HTTP 400“ wird zurückgegeben, wenn der gesendete Anforderungstext NULL ist. For example a full-stop in a version number ... will result in a discovery URL like this "/swagger/docs/1.0" where the full-stop is treated as a file extension. Use this to invoke one or more custom JavaScripts after the swagger-ui has loaded. Similar to the Controllers above there are more schemas to hide than to show so I decided to explictly call out the ones to include in the generated Swagger/OpenAPI doc via a Swashbuckle SchemaFilter. This is supported through the following options: Use this option to override the Schema generation for a specific type. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Option „Vorabversion einschließen“ aktiviert ist. IDocumentFilter has the following interface: This gives full control to modify the final SwaggerDocument. If your service is hosted using OWIN middleware, just install the Core library: Then manually enable the Swagger docs and swagger-ui by invoking the extension methods (in namespace Swashbuckle.Application) on an instance of HttpConfiguration (e.g. When using FromUri Model Binding, it is possible to override the querystring parameter name's using DataMembers. * If your API supports the OAuth2 Implicit flow, and you've described it correctly, according to the Swagger 2.0 specification, you can enable UI support as shown above. The response types and error codes are denoted in the XML comments and data annotations. Components. Für die meisten Funktionen, nämlich Methodenzusammenfassungen und Beschreibungen von Parametern und Antwortcodes, ist die Verwendung einer XML-Datei unerlässlich. See swagger-codegen for more details. Branding the Swashbuckle components requires adding the resources to serve static files and building the folder structure to host those files. is the number one paste tool since 2002. However, there may be occasions when more control of the output is needed. Wenn das Projekt AddMvc aufruft, werden Routen und Endpunkte automatisch erkannt.If the project calls AddMvc, routes and endpoints are discovered automatically. Mit der Swagger-Benutzeroberfläche können Sie die API kennenlernen und sie in andere Programme integrieren.Explore the API via Swagger UI and incorporate it in other programs. The "XML documentation file" needs to be checked and a path assigned, such as "bin\Debug\MyProj.XML". The static Customize methods on SwaggerSpecConfig and SwaggerUiConfig have been replaced with extension methods on HttpConfiguration - EnableSwagger and EnableSwaggerUi. Generate the correct request schema for Patch operations in ASP.NET Core 3.1 which use JsonPatchDocument. If your API supports multiple schemes and you want to be explicit about them, you can use the Schemes option. To do this, you'll need to implement a custom IDocumentFilter and/or IOperationFilter to set these properties according to your specific authorization implementation. Auf nicht dokumentierte Typen und Member wird durch die Warnmeldung verwiesen.Undocumented types and members are indicated by the warning message. Mit zunehmender Verwendung von Datenanmerkungen in der Web-API werden die UI- und API-Hilfeseiten beschreibender und nützlicher. Refer to the tables below for a summary of changes: If you see this message, it means the swagger-ui received an unexpected response when requesting the Swagger document. Es enthält integrierte Testumgebungen für die öffentlichen Methoden. If necessary, the schemaRegistry can be used to obtain or register Schemas for other Types. Use these options to set a different validator URL or to disable the feature entirely. Um die Abwärtskompatibilität zu unterstützen, können Sie stattdessen JSON im 2.0-Format verfügbar machen. For most features, namely method summaries and the descriptions of parameters and response codes, the use of an XML file is mandatory. It messes up the routes and puts the “version”-part as a parameter into each method. auf API-Dokumentationsseiten sollte jedoch Ihre Marke oder Ihr Design zu sehen sein. An example is used to illustrate what the value is supposed to be like. Im vorangehenden Codeausschnitt wurde durch Reflektion ein XML-Dateiname erstellt, der dem Namen des Web-API-Projekts entspricht.In the preceding code, Reflection is used to build an XML file name matching that of the web API project. Explore the API via Swagger UI and incorporate it in other programs. Das Hinzufügen von Kommentaren mit drei Schrägstrichen zu einer Aktion erweitert die Swagger-Benutzeroberfläche, indem die Beschreibung zum Header des Abschnitts hinzugefügt wird.Adding triple-slash comments to an action enhances the Swagger UI by adding the description to the section header. Das Aktivieren von XML-Kommentaren stellt Debuginformationen zu nicht-dokumentierten öffentlichen Typen und Members bereit. This 2.0 format is important for integrations such as Microsoft Power Apps and Microsoft Flow that currently support OpenAPI version 2.0. The following example shows how you can add a x-nullable extension to nullable value C# types. For example, given a default namespace of "YourWebApiProject" and a file located at "/SwaggerExtensions/index.html", then the resource will be assigned the name - "YourWebApiProject.SwaggerExtensions.index.html". Undocumented types and members are indicated by the warning message. Es gibt drei Hauptkomponenten von Swashbuckle:There are three main components to Swashbuckle: Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger: ein Swagger-Objektmodell und eine Swagger-Middleware, um SwaggerDocument-Objekte als JSON-Endpunkte verfügbar zu machen.Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger: a Swagger object model and middleware to expose SwaggerDocument objects as JSON endpoints. For example, you could use this option to inject a "Caching Proxy" that attempts to retrieve the SwaggerDocument from a cache before delegating to the built-in generator: If you annotate Controllers and API Types with Xml Comments, you can incorporate those comments into the generated docs and UI. Entwickler, die eine Web-API nutzen, interessieren sich vor allem dafür, welche Antworttypen und Fehlercodes zurückgegeben werden (wenn diese nicht dem Standard entsprechen). Ich glaube nicht, dass Swagger einen Aufzählungstyp sowohl mit dem String- als auch mit dem Integer-Wert unterstützt. Swashbuckle 5.0 makes the transition to Swagger 2.0. Wenn .NET Framework oder .NET Core 1.x die Zielkomponente ist, müssen Sie Ihrem Projekt das NuGet-Paket Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles hinzufügen.If targeting .NET Framework or .NET Core 1.x, add the Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles NuGet package to the project. In accordance with the built in JsonSerializer, Swashbuckle will, by default, describe enums as integers. Für das Branding von Swashbuckle-Komponenten sind zusätzliche Ressourcen erforderlich, damit statische Dateien bereitgestellt werden können und sich die Ordnerstruktur zum Hosten dieser Dateien erstellt lässt.Branding the Swashbuckle components requires adding the resources to serve static files and building the folder structure to host those files. This is typically used to customize the order of groupings in the swagger-ui. Das Anfügen von Warnungscodes an $(NoWarn); gilt auch für die C#-Standardwerte.Appending the warning codes to $(NoWarn); applies the C# default values too. For the purpose of this guide, I’m just going to be using the standard Core Web API template when you create a new project from Visual Studio. Die Aktion Create gibt bei einer erfolgreichen Anforderung den Statuscode „HTTP 201“ zurück.The Create action returns an HTTP 201 status code on success. Durch die zusätzlichen Kommentare wird die Benutzeroberfläche wie unten gezeigt erweitert: Notice the UI enhancements with these additional comments: Markieren Sie das Modell mit Attributen aus dem Namespace, Mark the model with attributes, found in the.

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