Sprachgutachten können am Sprachenzentrum der HU Berlin erstellt werden. Erasmus Mundus. Public-private partnership is at the core of "the Swedish model", which was developed by the Social Democrats, who governed for most of the last 70 years until 2006. Right at the heart of Europe and with a history intertwined with that of its neighbours, Slovakia has proudly preserved its own language and distinct cultural traditions. Positioned at the centre of Europe, it has known turbulent and violent times. The country boasts spectacular scenery, including Lake Titicaca, the world's highest navigable lake. For almost half of the 20th century Portugal was a dictatorship in which for decades Antonio de Oliveira Salazar was the key figure. Kurds make up about a fifth of the population. Bewerbung Bitte fülle es aus und reiche es im Wiwi International Office ein: Swiss Mobility Agreement OLS Sprachtest . It attracts visitors from across the globe. Es stehen Plätze für Ägypten, Indien (nur PhD), Israel, Jordanien und den Libanon zur Verfügung. It was part of Czechoslovakia until the "velvet divorce" in January 1993. 10099 Berlin Sitz. Die Juristische Fakultät unterhält Austauschbeziehungen mit über 30 Partneruniversitäten. 1. Achtung: Das Abitur und die Sprachkurse werden -später bei der Anmeldung - von den meisten Partneruniversitäten nicht als Sprachnachweis akzeptiert! Mehr Informationen. It has mediated between Israel and the Palestinians as well as in the Sri Lankan conflict, and has participated in military action in Afghanistan and Libya. It experienced its first period of independence in 1918, following the end of the First World War and the collapse of the Russian Empire. Alfred-Rühl-Haus Raum 0'202 Rudower Chaussee 16 12489 Berlin Kontakt. Die zur Verfügung stehenden Plätze für 2021/22 finden Sie hier. Lava fields cover much of the land and hot water is pumped from under the ground to supply much of the country's heating. Senden Sie das ausgefüllte Dokument bis zum 01.02. Peru's rich and varied heritage includes the ancient Incan capital of Cuzco and the lost city of Machu Picchu. The "Prague Spring" of 1968, when Communist leader Alexander Dubcek tried to bring in liberal reforms, was crushed by Warsaw Pact tanks. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften Info. bereit stellen. Der Berliner Senat hat beschlossen, den Start des Wintersemesters auf den 2. Über ERASMUS/ERASMUS Mundushinaus unterhält die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin zahlreiche bilaterale Verträge(sogenannte „Universitätspartnerschaften“ oder kurz „UV“) mit Partneruniversitäten aus anderen Weltregionen – also aus Asien, Afrika, Australien, Nord- und Lateinamerika sowie Osteuropa. Since independence following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, major investment in the oil sector has brought rapid economic growth, and eased some of the start disparities in wealth of the 1990s. Liste der Partneruniversitäten Its forces have taken part in the Nato-led operation in Afghanistan, and in peacekeeping duties in Kosovo. The United Kingdom is made up of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 1 Bewerbungsfrist endet am 15. Mit Partnern aus anderen Weltregionen verbinden die HU mehr als 100 Verträge. Partneruniversitäten in Nordamerika *AKTUELL: AUSWIRKUNGEN CORONAVIRUS* Bis auf … 10099 Berlin Sitz. Achtung: Derzeit beträgt der Zuschuss je nach Land zwischen 250 und 350 €. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart occupies a place of his own as composer of some of the best loved European classical music while the works of Franz Schubert enjoy great popularity too. It also defied predictions that it would not survive the collapse of its one-time supporter, the Soviet Union. Die Humboldt-Universität hat mit vielen Partnern in aller Welt Verträge abgeschlossen, die den internationalen Austausch erleichtern. The people are given a direct say in their own affairs under Switzerland's system of direct democracy, which has no parallel in any other country. Several former prime ministers were implicated and thousands of businessmen and politicians were investigated. However, its position at the geographical heart of Europe on the key Danube trade route enhances its strategic importance. Economic strength has allowed Vladimir Putin - Russia's dominant political figure since 2000 - to enhance state control over political institutions and the media - a process supplemented more recently by an emphasis on fierce nationalism and hostility to the West. After stagnating for more than two decades under the rigid authoritarianism of early communist rule under its late leader, Chairman Mao, China now has the world's fastest-growing economy and is undergoing what has been described as a second industrial revolution. More than a quarter of the population is Russian-speaking and the rights of this section of society have been a thorny issue since independence. It also enjoys one of the world's highest standards of living, in large part due to the discovery in the late 1960s of offshore oil and gas. The capital, Vienna, is home to key international organisations, including the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Opec, the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Was ist ERASMUS? 2. PD Dr. Mohsen Makki Tel. Erasmus Plus. Cuba has survived more than 40 years of US sanctions intended to topple the government of Fidel Castro. Now a constitutional monarchy, the country began its independent life as a republic in the 16th century, when the foundations were laid for it to become one of the world's foremost maritime trading nations. Bewerben Sie sich bitte zunächst bei Ihrer Heimatuniversität, diese entscheidet ob Sie für ein Auslandssemester nominiert werden. Die Juristische Fakultät bietet in Kooperation mit einigen Partneruniversitäten auch verschiedene Programme, in denen mehrere Abschlüsse erworben werden können (www.rewi.hu-berlin.de/de/ip/mfa). Ein Auslandsstudium im Rahmen des Programms Erasmus + kann nur an Einrichtungen verbracht werden, mit denen das Institut für Sportwissenschaft ein bilateral agreement abgeschlossen hat. Hausanschrift August-Boeckh-Haus Dorotheenstraße 65 10117 Berlin. Wir möchten Dir mit der folgenden Liste nützliche Informationen zu Ländern und den Partnerhochschulen geben. Slovakia joined the EU in 2004 and the eurozone in 2009. : +49 (030) 2093-6895 Fax: +49 (030) 2093-6835 Email: erasmus.geographie@geo.hu-berlin.de Dazu kommen noch über 10 Fakultätsvereinbarungen. Für den Fall, dass Ihr Erstwunsch nicht berücksichtigt werden kann, geben Sie bitte einen Zweit- oder sogar Drittwunsch an. Sommer- und Winterschulen. Für HU-Partneruniversitäten innerhalb der EU besuchen Sie bitte die Infoseiten zu. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns per mail: int.rewi@hu-berlin.de. Russia - the largest country on earth in terms of surface area - emerged from a decade of post-Soviet economic and political turmoil to reassert itself as a world power. Wenn Sie zwei Semester an der Humb… Slovenia was the first former Yugoslav republic to join the European Union, in May 2004 - shortly after joining Nato. Im Folgenden wird Ihnen das Bewerbungsverfahren vorgestellt. Fidel exercised control over virtually all aspects of Cuban life through the Communist Party and its affiliated mass organisations, the government bureaucracy and the state security apparatus. Xolographie als leistungsfähige neue Methode für den 3D-Druck. It has especially rich traditions in folk and classical music and has been the birthplace of many outstanding performers and composers, including Franz Liszt, Bela Bartok and Zoltan Kodaly. Als Bestandteil der EU-Bildungsprogramme fördert ERASMUS seit über 20 Jahren den Austausch zwischen Universitäten in Europa. Dieses dient als Vertrag zwischen der HU und deiner Partneruniversität in der Schweiz und sichert dir deinen Austauschplatz zu. Burgner_Milena.docx) an den Erasmus-Koordinator (Siehe oben). Die Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät hat hat entsprechende Vereinbarungen zur Studierendenmobilität im Rahmen von ERASMUS mit mehr als 80 Partneruniversitäten in über 28 Ländern. However, there has also been a growing divide between the mainly Dutch-speaking north and the mainly French-speaking south, as well as concerns about the growth of Islamic extremism among immigrant communities in the capital, Brussels. www.elte.hu 2 BA, MA, PhD Englisch, (Ungarisch) Polen Portugal Schweden Türkei Erklärungen: Die Anforderungen an das Sprachniveau liegen immer bei B2. It joined the United Nations only in 2002. After having lived for decades in the shadow of the Soviet Union, Finland is now well settled in the European Union. This mixed economy traditionally featured centralised wage negotiations and a heavily tax-subsidised social security network. Am Ende Ihres Auslandsteilstudiums erhalten Sie ein Transcript of Records zum Nachweis Ihrer Studienleistungen an der Herkunftsuniversität. Partneruniversitäten. Like its Baltic neighbours, in the decade after independence Latvia made a rapid transformation to embrace the free market. Mehr Informationen. 10099 Berlin Sitz. In 1989, as the curtain was coming down on communism in the Kremlin, the dissident playwright Vaclav Havel emerged as the figurehead of the country's "velvet revolution" and became the first president of post-communist Czechoslovakia. 2. 10099 Berlin. It has been locked in conflict with the Palestinians and its Arab neighbours over ownership of land considered holy by Jews, Christians and Muslims since its creation in 1948. Erasmus ist mittlerweile ein Synomym für einen Auslandsaufenthalt während des Studiums. Once the centre of the Ottoman Empire, the modern secular republic was established in the 1920s by nationalist leader Kemal Ataturk. Sommer- und Winterschulangebote der HU und anderer Universitäten. Spandauer Str. Partneruniversitäten außerhalb der Europäischen Union Die Humboldt-Universität hat mit vielen Partnern in aller Welt Verträge abgeschlossen, die den internationalen Austausch erleichtern. Detaillierte Informationen über unsere Partneruniversitäten gibt es auch in unserer. The country also found the transition from a state economy to the free market easier than most. Dort findest du auch aktuelle Fact Sheets, in denen unsere Partneruniversitäten alle wichtigen Infos zu Kontaktpersonen, Kurswahl, etc. Forscher*innen aus Berlin und Bochum untersuchten, welche Personen die „Corona-Warn-App" in Deutschland nutzen, welche nicht und wie sie ihre Entscheidung begründeten. (Wintersemester) bzw. Having uncoupled itself from its western neighbour, Slovakia at first struggled to prove itself as an independent democracy, but by the time of the twentieth anniversary of the "velvet divorce" in January 2013, it had come to be seen as one of Europe's biggest success stories. Voraussetzungen 2. France is known the world over for its cuisine, fashion, culture and language. : +49 (030) 2093-6895 Fax: +49 (030) 2093-6835 Email: erasmus.geographie@geo.hu-berlin.de PD Dr. Mohsen Makki Tel. Alfred-Rühl-Haus Raum 0'202 Rudower Chaussee 16 12489 Berlin Kontakt. Informationen zur Immatrikulation entnehmen Sie bitte der Informationsbroschüre zur Immatrikulation internationaler Programmstudierender. Stay updated with our many events for international and soon-to-be-international students! Auf ins Ausland Planung 1. After Franco's death in 1975, Spain made the transition to a democratic state and built a successful economy, with King Juan Carlos as head of state. Informationen zu Partneruniversitäten weltweit Die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin ist weltweit mit vielen universitären Partnern und Forschungseinrichtungen verbunden. Partneruniversitäten außerhalb der EU befinden sich unter dem Menüpunkt. Für die Länder der EU finden Sie genauere Informationen unter ERASMUS. The roots of that era stretch back to the 15th century when Portuguese explorers such as Vasco da Gama put to sea in search of a passage to India. The People's Republic of China (PRC) was founded in 1949 after the Communist Party defeated the previously dominant nationalist Kuomintang in a civil war. November 2020 zu verschieben, am 2. Iceland became an independent republic in 1944 and went on to become one of the world's most prosperous economies. Schweiz BA, MA BA, MA BA, MA. Sollte Ihre Wunschuniversität nicht aufgeführt sein, können Sie sich gerne an uns wenden. 10099 Berlin Sitz. https://www.fu-berlin.de/international/network/partners/index.html Communist rule had lasted since 1948, when the restored pre-war democratic system was overthrown in a Soviet-backed coup. Um sich in die Moodle Gruppe einzutragen, muss man noch nicht zwingend einen HU Mail Account besitzen - du kannst dich auch mit deiner privaten Mail Adresse registrieren. Studierende, die daran interessiert sind, einen Auslandsaufenthalt an einer dieser Partneruniversitäten zu absolvieren, bewerben sich auf eines der vom Direktaustausch angebotenen Programme -- diese beziehen sich teils auf Ländergruppen und teils auf einzelne Länder. The years which followed saw protracted conflicts culminating in independence for Algeria and most other French colonies in Africa as well as decolonisation in south-east Asia. Famous for its spectacular mountain scenery, Austria is no longer the dominant political force it was in Central Europe under the Habsburg dynasty which ruled until the first world war. Following protracted accession talks, Croatia took its place as the 28th member state of the EU on 1 July 2013. Sie finden hier weitere aktuelle … Alle Informationen zur Möglichkeit eines Austausches außerhalb des Erasmus-Programms findest noch mal gesondert auf der Seite über. By early 2003 it had made enough progress in shaking off the legacy of those years to apply for EU membership, becoming the second former Yugoslav republic after Slovenia to do so. Im Ausland arbeiten . 1. The following four decades were marked by authoritarian rule, during which government-sponsored schemes encouraged the growth of family-owned industrial conglomerates, including the Hyundai and Samsung groups. While the country is renowned for these and other delights, it is also notorious for its precarious political life and has had several dozen governments since the end of World War II. A growing number of visitors are being drawn to its variety of attractions. Although traditionally among the keener advocates of the European Union, Dutch voters echoed those in France by spurning the proposed EU constitution in a 2005 referendum. Surrounded by the European Union, it has vacillated between seeking closer engagement with its powerful neighbour and other international organisations, and preferring a more isolationist course. Following its defeat at the hands of the Soviet Union in the Second World War, the country endured strong influence from Moscow during the Cold War, though retaining its sovereignty. Are you interested in working at the International Office? Die Universitäten und Austauschplätze der WiWi für das akademische Jahr 2021-22 After centuries as a powerful medieval kingdom, Hungary was part of the Ottoman and then Habsburg empires from the 16th century onwards, emerging as an independent country again after World War I. It was the birthplace of the former Soviet bloc's first officially recognised independent mass political movement when strikes at the Gdansk shipyard in August 1980 led to agreement with the authorities on the establishment of the Solidarity trade union. In jedem Falle empfiehlt es sich, das Incoming Team bei Fragen zu kontaktieren. (Sommersemester) gespeichert unter Ihrem Namen (z.B. The Netherlands has produced many of the world's most famous artists from Rembrandt and Vermeer in the 17th century to Van Gogh in the 19th and Mondrian in the 20th. Die Bewerbung umfasst sechs Schritte. Aarhus. Double Degrees (Caution: Excellent mathematical skills are required): A sparsely-populated North Atlantic island, Iceland is famous for its hot springs, geysers and active volcanoes. By the 16th century these sailors had helped build a huge empire embracing Brazil as well as swathes of Africa and Asia. The US has tens of thousands of soldiers in the country. Sweden's position as one of the world's most highly developed post-industrial societies looks fundamentally secure. Praktika. The country has been experiencing an economic boom. Technische Universität Warschau (TU Warschau) Straddling the continents of Europe and Asia, Turkey's strategically important location has given it major influence in the region - and control over the entrance to the Black Sea. A key player on the global stage and a country at the political heart of Europe, France paid a high price in both economic and human terms during the two world wars. Many of the elements that make up the foundation of the modern world originated in China including: paper, gunpowder, credit banking, the compass and paper money. Parlamentsstipendien im Ausland. Relations with the US showed signs of a thaw following the election of President Barack Obama, who in April 2009 said he wanted a new beginning with Cuba.

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