The programme will give you the theoretical tools and analytical skills needed to address complex issues. German students take advanced English classes and other languages of their choice while international students benefit from integrated German language classes. Business economics, meanwhile, is about solving specific problems within companies (How can we as a company … From individuals to businesses and governments, we all make choices every day. They learn to link the principles of Business Administration, Economics, Sociology and Law in terms of content and to apply them to international issues. The study programme is structured as follows: *The General Education Courses (GEC) comprise presentation and language courses as well as courses that develop written, oral, social and intercultural competencies. The program’s flexible structure with various individual specializations allows you to become familiar with a professional field of your choice, be it in companies or other international organizations (both profit and nonprofit/NGOs). With its university and two colleges, renowned research institutions for economics and biosciences as well as a booming logistics industry, Halle is also one of the thriving cities in the region. #bwl #business #marketing Broad course plans are designed to help students master all facets of their chosen field, while a concentration refines expertise and … A total of 120 ECTS credits are earned. Universitätsplatz 11 Study Economics and Business Economics Phase 1 of the bachelor’s program deals with current topics in global business and economics. Are you curious how they affect business and economics? The content, learning objectives, workload, requirements and prerequisites of specific modules are published in the module catalogue and in the study and examination regulations (in German only), respectively. Please also read our FAQ to learn about the advantage of submitting an internationally recognised test score. The remaining courses are at the intersection of those two fields and focus on doing business in an international context. These International Business classes help students develop a wide range of business and soft skills. 06108 Halle (Saale) A recognised, direct university entrance qualification in Germany is a prerequisite for the admission to the study programme. Dem Zulassungsantrag sind folgende Unterlagen beizufügen: The Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg offers further courses of study with similar content. Manchmal heißt der Studiengang Economics auch ein wenig anders, der Inhalt ist aber sehr ähnlich. Economics and Business Economics. >. The content of the Degree. Are you interested in global trends and developments? This will prepare you for the practical work in the management of private companies, public organisations or non-profit organisations as well as for further studies at the Master’s Level. Anfragen werden während der Winterpause per E-Mail unter beantwortet. The Master of Arts in International Business and Economics is a four-semester program lasting 24 months. Choose up to four out of more than 15 specializations and many free electives based on your interests. BA European Economic Studies; MA European Economic … Economics is great on its own, but it can also be beneficial to do a double major. WU alumni currently work in multinational companies, consulting firms, marketing and human resource departments, accounting firms, financial institutions or founded their own start-ups and businesses. Get a feel of what it’s like to study International Business or Economics and Business Economics at Maastricht University. Laut Hochschulgesetz des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt haben auch qualifizierte Berufstätige ohne Hochschulzugangsberechtigung die Möglichkeit, über die Teilnahme an einer Feststellungsprüfung die Studienberechtigung für den Studiengang zu erlangen. While business administration students worry about whether employees have to be dismissed in times of economic downturn, economists are thinking more fundamentally about why the economy is doing badly and what the … A broad view of the different disciplines in business management and economics and the wide range of methodological tools to analyse problems. The first deals with the current international economic context, while the second consists of advanced business courses. Geeignete Nachweise über die Sprachkenntnisse in Englisch gemäß der  oben genannten Zulassungsvoraussetzungen; Wenn vorhanden, geeignete Unterlagen zum Nachweis einschlägiger praktischer Erfahrungen. An above average degree in an at least 3-year Bachelor's programme from a recognized university in economics or a related degree, e.g. These competencies help graduates enter their professional careers. Additionally, all applicants must provide proof of their proficiency in English at the B2 level. Mit einer deutschen Hochschulzugangsberechtigung bewerben Sie sich bitte bis 15.7. über At least 75% of the courses are held in English. You will learn how to assess and solve contemporary economic, social, and environmental problems from an interdisciplinary perspective. Der Studiengang Economics heißt auf Deutsch übersetzt Volkswirtschaftslehre und beschäftigt sich mit gesamtwirtschaftlichen Zusammenhängen. Three types of courses are offered. The bachelor's programme Business Economics 180 CP at Halle University is an internationally recognised 3-year degree programme that provides you with the skills and the knowledge needed for a career in an international setting. Das Abiturzeugnis bzw. The programme is designed to give students a solid understanding of business management, … Before beginning studies abroad, a learning agreement should be agreed upon with the Department of Economic Sciences regarding the recognition of the academic achievements obtained abroad. Combine economics with another degree. The General Education Courses (GEC) comprise presentation and language courses as well as courses that develop written, oral, social and intercultural competencies. mit Termin: Raum 4/5, Juristische und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Business Studies) (Bachelor-Studiengang), Volkswirtschaftslehre (Economics) (Bachelor-Studiengang), Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Economics and Management) (Bachelor-Teilstudiengang), Accounting, Taxation and Finance (Master-Studiengang), Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Business Studies) (Master-Studiengang), Europäische und internationale Wirtschaft (Master-Studiengang), Human Resources Management (Master-Studiengang), Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht (Master-Studiengang), Responsible Leadership und Business Governance (Master-Studiengang), Die MLU auf Bildungsmessen und an Schulen, Studentenwerk Halle (BAföG, Wohnheim, Soziale Beratung), Informationen für internationale Bewerber, Direct Study, Full-time Study, International Study. International applicants must have their entrance qualification evaluated by uni-assist e.V. (Allgemeine Schlüsselqualifikationen (ASQ)), Thesis Module "Bachelor Business Economics". Get ready for your professional career or international master's program. Doing so can help you get a job, since you'll have a wider field of knowledge. For more details about the compulsory internship please see the study and examination regulations. Im Rahmen dieser Kooperationen sind Studienaufenthalte im Ausland möglich. International applicants with an indirect university entrance qualification in Germany may attend the Preparatory College (Studienkolleg) to obtain access to higher education in Germany. Sep 22, 2016 - Hier findet ihr Filme und Erfahrungsberichte zum Studium Wirtschaft. Get to know your fellow students and the faculty. The bachelor’s programme consists of an Introductory and Orientation Period (STEOP) and compulsory modules on microeconomics, macroeconomics, mathematics, statistics, econometrics, finance as well as business administration. Mai stattfinden, UG-Novelle bringt Mindestleistung für Studienanfänger, Studienrecht - Einigung auf Mindeststudienleistung, Coronavirus - ÖH und Rektoren warnen vor Lockdown an Unis, Uni-Ranking: Österreich in sieben Fächergruppen in den Top 100. minimum grade of 2.0 in English as part of a successfully passed Assessment Test (Feststellungsprüfung; FSP) at the Preparatory College of Saxony-Anhalt (Landesstudienkolleg Sachsen-Anhalt); Native speaker of English: A native speaker is defined as someone who has obtained the university entrance qualification or bachelor's degree or an equivalent educational qualification in one of the following countries and has completed at least the last 2 years of the school or university education there: Australia, Ireland, Canada (excluding Quebec), New Zealand, Singapore, United Kingdom, USA; Innerhalb der Bundesrepublik Deutschland erfolgte Abiturprüfung im Fach Englisch mit mindestens 10 Punkten oder im Durchschnitt der in den letzten vier Schulhalbjahren vor Erlangung der Hochschulreife erreichte Punktzahl im Fach Englisch von mindestens 10 Punkten; Cambridge English: First Certificate in English (FCE) mit der Mindestnote C oder höherwertig; Einstufungstest B2 am Sprachenzentrum der MLU mit dem Ergebnis “bestanden“, falls angeboten; Erfolgreiche Feststellungsprüfung am Landesstudienkolleg Sachsen-Anhalt mit der Mindestnote 2,0 im Fach Englisch. There are only limited financial support schemes available for international undergraduate students but you may work a limited number of days to support your studies. Architectural monuments, an opera house, the Händel auditorium and multiple theaters and stages, make Halle an important historic and cultural destination. Außerdem wird ein Nachweis über die Beherrschung der englischen Sprache in Wort und Schrift auf B2 Niveau gefordert. These competencies help graduates enter their professional careers. Graduates are qualified to enrol on a PhD programme in Economics including independent academic research or to take up leading positions in the business sector, administration or politics. Studienbotschafter, d. h. Studierende der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg beraten Studieninteressierte, Bewerber, Eltern und Lehrer zu allen Fragen rund um das Studium an der Uni Halle sowie zum Leben in der Händelstadt Halle (Saale). The banks of the Saale river as well as numerous parks and pubs invite students to pursue recreational activities and to hang out with friends. Jeweils ab Mai des Jahres wird die aktuelle Festlegung für das kommende Wintersemester an dieser Stelle (siehe auch Allgemeine Informationen) veröffentlicht. After completing your degree, you will be ready to work in many professional fields in companies and other organizations. Qualified professionals without Abitur may take the Feststellungsprüfung to establish their eligibility. Diese muss je nach Abschlussnote durch eine fachliche Vertiefung in Höhe von 45 - 50 ECTS erfolgen oder alternativ durch eine Abschlussarbeit des vorangegangenen Abschlusses in dem Bereich Economics/Quantitative Methoden … The Master programs at the School of Business and Economics. managers, consultants or economists in both the private and the public sector and join. Optionally, you can go on a semester abroad and/or gain practical experience during an internship in the company and country of your choice. bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences. äquivalenten Bildungsnachweis in einem der folgenden Länder erworben und dort nachweislich mindestens die letzten 2 Jahre seiner Schulzeit bzw. Voraussetzung zum Studium ist eine anerkannte Hochschulzugangsberechtigung  (in der Regel Abitur). You will learn how business experts and policymakers attempt to stimulate both corporate and general economic activity. Credits for practical work and interdisciplinary classes. Detailed information and content on all courses can be found in WU's online … a semester fee, which includes public transport. Besides the application for admission, all applicants are required to submit the following documents: Der Bachelorstudiengang Business Economics 180 LP ist zurzeit zulassungsbeschränkt (Uni-NC). ), thereby enabling them to independently solve management problems. Economics (M.Sc.) The Major in Business Administration offers a broad based foundation in economics, which integrates practical relevance and scientific methods. Our multidisciplinary approach will give you a broad and holistic view on issues in modern business and economics. Applicants who successfully pass the selection procedure can enroll in the program in the following winter semester. Students are advised by the Faculty of Law and Economics on their planned studies abroad and are supported during the exchange. Over the course of seven semesters (3.5 years), you will learn essential skills and competencies to manage and lead an organization. Leibnizstrasse 11 - 13 10625 Berlin Tel. Email: or pursue entrepreneurial activities. All these skills are essential in the international business … Participation in exchange programmes and recognition of the courses taken at other universities in a simplified process. Module 1. Asian Studies in Business and Economics (ASBE) Transfer Program Illinois State University (ISU) Double Master Program Tohoku University; Die Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften unterhält Partnerschaften mit verschiedenen ausländischen Universitäten, u.a. Telefon: Macroeconomics looks at entire economies. The city of Halle is the largest and most densely populated city in the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt. Den Studiengang bieten fünf Universitäten sowie zwei Fachhochschulen im Bachelor an. 0345 55-23324 You're welcome to apply if you're in your final year of your Bachelor's programme. Recognised proof of your proficiency in English language as stated in the admission requirements above; Proof of any relevant practical experience as outlined in the Selection Regulations. Aside from academic success, your time at Halle University can and should be very enriching personally. Create your own profile by customizing your program to … Importantly, we want you to create your own unique profile and therefore, we offer you many specializations and free electives in phase 3 of the bachelor’s program. Moreover, the program is an excellent basis if you plan to continue your academic journey by enrolling in an international master’s program at WU or in a related field at another university. 0345 55 213-06 Große Steinstraße 73 A selection procedure for admission to the Bachelor’s Program in Business and Economics is held once a year in the spring. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the usual application deadline (15 July) has been postponed to 20 August 2020. ein äquivalenter, anerkannter Bildungsnachweis in Form beglaubigter Abschriften oder beglaubigter deutscher oder englischer Übersetzungen, falls die Originale nicht in deutscher oder englischer Sprache abgefasst sind. If you want to go the extramile, you might go on a semester abroad at one of our partner universities or take an internship in the company and country of your choice to complete your studies. Datenschutz - Impressum. We offer interactive classes with a variety of teaching and assessment styles in which you will work closely together with your fellow students and our dedicated faculty. Ob ein Studiengang zulassungsbeschränkt (Uni-NC) oder zulassungsfrei (ohne NC) ist, entscheidet die Uni Halle zu jedem Wintersemester neu. 0345 55 213-22 Studieninhalt. Follow your interests with specializations and free electives. Applicants who obtained their university entrance qualification abroad must apply via www.uni-assist.deby 15 July 2020. It features a faculty of 26 professors and about 45 junior researchers, all of whom are actively engaged in academic research. The School of Business and Economics offers three Bachelor of Science programs and ten different Master of Science programs that allow students to specialize in areas with promising career prospects. The unemployment, inflation, and monetary challenges of cities, countries, and continents. The proof of proficiency in English above are all recognised as valid for an unlimited period. The School of Business and Economics at the University of Tübingen is committed to high-level academic education in both business administration and economics. Für etwaige Fehlinformationen übernimmt jedenfalls keine Haftung. Economics is the science of choice, from the personal (Why do you buy what you do?) Our students acquire a wide range of transferable skills, enabling them to pursue a wide range of careers as e.g. Beispielsweise Business Administration an der Universität Passau, Economi… Hochschulzeit absolviert hat: Australien, Irland, Kanada (ohne Quebec), Neuseeland, Singapur, Vereinigtes Königreich, USA; TOEFL iBT mit einer Mindestpunktzahl von 72; An authenticated hard copy of your school leaving certificate and an authenticated, official translation unless the original is in English or in German. A broad variety of specializations and free electives will open up a wealth of exciting opportunities. Students should anticipate total monthly expenses of approximately 750 Euros including rent, food, transportation and health insurance. You will learn how to assess and solve contemporary economic, social, and environmental problems from an interdisciplinary perspective. in Australien, Brasilien, Kanada, China, Spanien … mathematics or natural sciences with a significant quantitative component. Our International Office will be happy to assist you in these matters. The master's programme in Business Administration aims at familiarising students with the methods and instruments of the discipline and related fields (Business Law, Economic Sociology, Business IT, Economics and Statistics, etc. Halle University does not charge tuition fees but only a small social contribution, i.e. versichert, sämtliche Inhalte nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen recherchiert und aufbereitet zu haben. : +49 (0)30 / 319 909 50 Fax: +49 (0)30 / 319 909 555 E … The programme is designed to give students a solid understanding of business management, …