Der richtige NAT Typ ist für ein Onlinespiel unabdingbar und sollte vorhanden sein um ein Onlinespiel problemlos spielen zu können. If possible plug your XB1 into the modem direct and see what NAT you get. NAT-Typ am PC ändern. Even if I tab out of the game and forward that port it still reports "strict nat" once I have fixed it. The NAT will also act as a firewall and will only allow connections from a selected group of apps. NAT Strict Il s’agit du type de NAT le plus sûr et ne laisse aucune donnée à transmettre via le réseau local. Danach erfolgen die Portfreigaben. 2. Please note that I no longer see the Strict NAT warning in the director but not sure where to go to check the actual NAT … Um den NAT-Typ zu ändern, müsst ihr zunächst UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) im Router aktivieren. This is the case when the router doesn’t have any open ports. Allgemein 1. Strict or Type 3 NAT – Strict or Type 3 NATs often indicate your console network settings are restrictive. The issue I see here is for me its port 3097 and one random high number port. I only brought it up as TWC boned me in this manner one time. If it's not open in that case it would be on the ISPs end. For consoles (Open = Type 1 , Moderate = Type 2, Strict = Type 3) ignore this text if you're on PC. Create static NAT rule for PC. Bungie hat nun eine Anleitung verfasst die euch beschreibt welche Ports ihr in eurem Router öffnen müsst um für Destiny den richtigen NAT Typ zu erhalten: Was bedeutet „NAT“? With Strict/Type 3 NAT types, we have a harder time giving you the best possible experience, including voice chat with all players in your Fireteam. My NAT on the 360 changed to strict over night and even a 30/30/30 and rebuild changed nothing. It's very simple and anybody can do it as long as your IP starts with 192.168. Also, Lags will be less than Strict type. I was able to get the Strict NAT warning in the Director to go away by doing the following. If you're trying to get Open NAT on more than 1 PC / Console on the same network it is not possible. Other players on a moderate or strict NAT will not be able to join your hosted games. Il peut vous protéger contre la plupart des types d’attaques, mais vous pouvez rencontrer des difficultés pour rejoindre d’autres réseaux car la plupart des données sont limitées dans ce réseau. Sony and Microsoft use slightly different terminology when describing NAT Type on their respective console networking tests. BUNGIE HP TRACKER ... NAT stands for "Network Address Translation" and is a feature of the router. And user can connect up with users who have Moderate or Open NAT types. Make sure PC running game has static IP. It changes every time I open the game. A Strict NAT or Type 3 NAT is not recommended and may cause noticeable problems. Games Search will take some time, but not as much as Strict type. This is a medium sort of setting of NAT. Strict NAT (Type 3) You can have 2 PC's or more with Moderate NAT but not with Open. Strict NAT (Type 3) – your gaming device has limited connectivity with other players. In today's video, I will be showing you how to set your NAT type to open. Network Adress Translation. According to Bungie, this particular message often comes as players have a Nat Type that doesn’t support Destiny 2’s online capabilities to its fullest extent. So, you’ll have the best gaming experience if you’re on an open NAT or at least a moderate NAT. Excellent suggestion.